May 28, 2015

The Andreasens take DC

We had a bit of a whirlwind weekend in DC. We knew we wanted to make it out there before we move to Seattle and time was ticking away so we just went for it! The kids did surprisingly well on the drive and mostly well on the day we walked about 5 miles seeing all the monuments. It was a great little trip- we definitely want to go back when the kids are older and can appreciate the museums more. I will say that I was surprised by how interested they all were in the models of early humans though. Ron got to celebrate his 2nd birthday at Scott's aunt's house (with Georgetown cupcakes... yum!) and then at the zoo with our good friends the Sheffers- It was so nice to see them after a few years apart! We also made a detour to West Virginia to rediscover Scott's roots- another post for another day. And I really can't consider myself a historian if I don't document the fact that we had the most insanely delicious milkshake at Good Stuff Eatery. Go there, get the marshmallow milkshake. You won't regret it.

May 22, 2015

Ron's birthday party

Oh Ron, how are you 2 already? Your party was a blast. We had vanilla cake with cookie dough filling, a macaroni and cheese bar (sorry no pics of that), banana cream pie, and lemonade (which was your favorite thing about the party probably). All day you wanted to play with the little animals that I had used to decorate your cake. You insisted on cuddling with me on the couch when I thought I really needed to be getting the food ready (your plan was much nicer). Ron you are a joy- so fun, so happy, so friendly. You rarely throw tantrums (and if you do, its over a stuffed dog invariably). You have decided that you would like to be a little more independent lately, which I guess is good since you're not going to be the baby for much longer. I do appreciate, however, that you are still a very cuddly little fellow. And just about the cutest boy I've ever seen (don't tell dad).

May 17, 2015

mothers day photo shoot

Oh these kids. If I ever get a picture of all 3 of them together smiling I will go into shock. Maybe adding a newborn to the mix will be the magic cure? A girl can dream.