I know Christmas is still months away... but I can't help but be swept away by the magic that is Autumn, leading up to everyone's favorite holiday!
"I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils if I knew your address" Can anyone name that movie? The truth is that I would be dazzled by such a bouquet. I get giddy at the grocery store thinking about the day not too far away when I can take Ellie to buy her first school supplies.
Anyway... the point is I'm happy it's fall. I'm excited for Halloween (I already made Ellie's costume), I'm really excited for Thanksgiving (Black Friday you better watch yourself!), and most of all, I'm excited that as the weather cools down, time for family and warm hot chocolate become more and more prevalent. Even though we live so far from most of our family, I feel closer to you all during this time of year.
So, just for you, here's some pictures of last Halloween. Maybe if enough of you chime in, we can get Scott to make the hair-do a permanent thing! Haha, just kidding. But I must say, rocking the platinum mullet for a night was kind of exhilarating...
You've Got Mail! YES I WIN!! I dig the pictures! :)